die Arthrektomie – Arthrectomy
Arthrectomy is a surgical operation to remove damaged or diseased joint tissue.
die Arthrodese – Arthrodesis
Arthrodesis is a surgical procedure where two or more bones in a joint are fused to stabilize it.
die Sprunggelenksfraktur – Ankle fracture
An ankle fracture refers to a break in one or both bones of the ankle.
die Verletzung – Injury
Injury is a general term for physical damage caused by external force.
die Verstauchung – Sprain
A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments, usually occurring when a joint is overstretched.
der Rollator – Rollator
A rollator is a mobility aid used by elderly people or patients with limited mobility.
die Röntgenkontrastdarstellung von Gelenken – X-ray contrast imaging of joints
This method uses X-rays and a contrast medium to better visualize joint damage.
der Oberschenkelhalsbruch – Hip fracture
A hip fracture is an injury commonly seen in elderly individuals that often requires surgery.
die Osteoporose – Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become brittle and prone to fractures, especially in older adults.
die Patella – Patella (Kneecap)
The patella is the bone that protects the knee joint and plays an essential role in its movement.
Knowing medical terms in the field of traumatology in German is essential for anyone who wishes to work in the medical field in Germany or prepare for the Fachsprachprüfung (FSP). These 20 terms will assist you in communicating with colleagues, patients, and in studying medical documentation.
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