20 Essential Medical Terms in German for Surgeons

If you plan to take the Fachsprachprüfung (FSP), work as a doctor in Germany, or simply want to communicate confidently with colleagues, mastering medical terminology in German is an invaluable skill.

In this article, we will cover the most important surgical instruments and verbs commonly used in surgical practice.
Key Surgical Instruments in German:
  1. das Skalpell – scalpel: a sharp knife used for tissue removal or making incisions.
  2. die Pinzette – tweezers: a tool with two levers and pointed tips, used for grasping tissues or objects.
  3. die Schere – scissors: an instrument with two intersecting levers and blades for making cuts or removing tissue.
  4. die Klemme – clamp: a tool with two intersecting levers and a lock, used to stop blood flow or secure tissues.
  5. der Bohrer – drill: a rotating instrument used to remove bone tissue or create openings for implants.
  6. der Haken – hook: a curved tool with a tip used to remove or stabilize tissues and organs.
  7. die Sonde – probe: a long, thin rod with a tip for examining tissues or detecting channels and wounds.
  8. die Nadel – needle: a long, thin instrument with an opening at the end, used for suturing or injecting medications and anesthesia.
  9. die Pinzette mit Zähnen – toothed forceps: tweezers with serrated ends for securely grasping tissues or objects.
  10. der Gewebeschneider – tissue cutter: a tool for removing tissue or making incisions.
  11. der Raspatorium – raspatory: an instrument with a flat, rounded tip used for removing bone tissue or smoothing bone fragments.
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Key Surgical Verbs in German:
  1. entfernen – to remove
  2. durchführen – to perform, to carry out
  • Der Chirurg führte eine Appendektomie durch, um den entzündeten Wurmfortsatz zu entfernen.
  • (The surgeon performed an appendectomy to remove the inflamed appendix.)
  1. ligieren – to ligate
  • Die Blutgefäße wurden erfolgreich ligiert, um eine weitere Blutung zu verhindern.
  • (The blood vessels were successfully ligated to prevent further bleeding.)
  1. nähen – to suture
  • Nach Abschluss der Operation wurden die Hautwunden sorgfältig genäht.
  • (After the surgery, the skin wounds were carefully sutured.)
  1. schneiden – to cut
  • Der Chirurg schnitt das Gewebe präzise, um Zugang zur betroffenen Region zu erhalten.
  • (The surgeon precisely cut the tissue to access the affected area.)
  1. resezieren – to resect, to remove part of an organ
  • Ein Teil des Tumors wurde reseziert, um eine vollständige Entfernung zu gewährleisten.
  • (A part of the tumor was resected to ensure complete removal.)
  1. kontrollieren – to control
  • Die Blutung wurde durch Klemmen der betroffenen Gefäße kontrolliert.
  • (The bleeding was controlled by clamping the affected vessels.)
  1. fixieren – to fix, to stabilize
  • Um die Knochenfragmente zu fixieren, wurden spezielle Platten und Schrauben angelegt.
  • (To fix the bone fragments, special plates and screws were applied.)
  1. öffnen – to open
  • Der Chirurg öffnete die Bauchhöhle, um Zugang zu den inneren Organen zu erhalten.
  • (The surgeon opened the abdominal cavity to access the internal organs.)
  1. einführen – to insert
  • Eine Drainage wurde in die Wunde eingeführt, um die Ansammlung von Flüssigkeit zu verhindern.
  • (A drainage tube was inserted into the wound to prevent fluid accumulation.)
Surgical terminology is vast, and it is impossible to cover all terms in one article. However, this list will help you learn the essential vocabulary needed for the FSP, communicating with colleagues and patients, and working successfully in the operating room.

We hope this list will be useful in your medical practice!
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