Medical terminology is a crucial part of the medical profession, especially if you're planning to work in Germany. Knowing these terms helps not only in passing exams but also in effectively communicating with colleagues and patients.
In this article, we have gathered the most important medical terms in German related to disease stages and treatment. Mastering these will significantly improve your understanding of German medical vocabulary and prepare you for professional practice.
In this article, we have gathered the most important medical terms in German related to disease stages and treatment. Mastering these will significantly improve your understanding of German medical vocabulary and prepare you for professional practice.
- die Verschlechterung: deterioration
- die Besserung: improvement
- die Stabilisierung: stabilization
- die Akutphase: acute phase
- die chronische Phase: chronic phase
- das Rezidiv: relapse
- die Remission: remission
- der Rückgang der Symptome: reduction of symptoms
- die Progression: progression
- die Persistenz: persistence
- der Rückfall: recurrence
- die Krisensituation: crisis situation
- die Komplikationen: complications
- die Nebenwirkungen: side effects
- das Therapieansprechen: response to therapy
- die Risikofaktoren: risk factors
- der Entwicklungsverlauf: course of development
- die Prognose: prognosis
- die Überwachung: monitoring
- die Nachsorge: follow-up care
- die Langzeitfolgen: long-term effects
- das Wiederauftreten: recurrence
- die Höhepunkt der Erkrankung: peak of the illness
- die Regression: regression
- die Behandlungsreaktion: treatment response
- das Fortschreiten der Krankheit: progression of the disease
- die Rückkehr der Symptome: return of symptoms
- die Bewältigungsstrategien: coping strategies
- die Behandlungseffektivität: treatment effectiveness
- die Verlaufskontrolle: disease course monitoring